Tuesday, 30 March 2021

I am yours as night and day

I am the eternal night and yet the stars within 
I'm ashes but the remaining ember that may reignite once more
I'm shadows but the definitive streak of light 
I'm thunder but also its lighting, sharp and precise
I'm rain but its warmth on your skin.

Monday, 29 March 2021

Pestle and Mortar

Here is the beginning of the World: you'll marinate through moments in life, toast it twice, drop some of the best honey into paradise, but in the end it all gets mixed, grinded and turned into a powdered mix to season someone else's life.

Thursday, 25 March 2021

The question now resides:

what connects you and I
is it as omnipresent and wide
like dark matter itself,
or is just a bright shooting star
that crosses the sky
and eventually says goodbye?

Wednesday, 24 March 2021

 ... the thought that I could let them go and not even miss them it does cross my mind and it's a bit scary at the same time...