Saturday, 16 November 2024

Confessions of no longer a teen

 So, she came home yet another time drunk and aggressive as every week and this time I got myself thinking: I'm no longer that absolutely on her own teen that goes in terror to hide in the room (besides having to save her younger siblings from seeing it all), no, I'm still on my own (physically even more now), I got in my heart my uncle Chico Viola (in my mind reminding his "you're with the spirituality"); sweet G. that wanted to come to surprise me meeting me and saying nice things, immediately "falling for me" at first sight" and loving me as I am too; P. that hated me and treated me so harshly but it was all for me to be better and it makes me think that for a second there he actually cared for my wellbeing; of course mams Lis with all her unconditional love and plus the gift she sent me and I can wear to feel her even closer with me; Ivi who saved me from dying with addison crisis the other time I couldn't breathe; D. with whom I haven't spoken in more than a year but still carry every second in my heart; and M. who is a good friend too and wished I was free to fly and be with them. I'm so thankful for them all who love me and that I love so much, makes me feel less alone in this world and everyday suffer, though they're all so far away. 

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