Wednesday 19 June 2024

You and her

 I can't move on from you two. I can't let go of missing you. Sometimes I crave to see your face again so much that I go back on my detox treatment from you two and I see your faces again. Though I remember the image of your faces, I crave to see it as you are now, just to feel a little bit more connected with you. You two are still my drug in reminiscing about us, of what never will be, of what as always was, of who we are deep inside. Fck, I miss you my boy and my girl. You never wanted me. I want you still and always so badly. Just need to be near you. I need you near me and with me all the time. You see, I can't live without you two. I have no good reason to carry on, but this illusion that one day you two will come back to me, to tell that you missed me every day too. 

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