Monday 18 April 2022

How long for will we hang on?

 For how long can we pretend we're not suffocating?
The air gets denser, my lungs shrink, my heart is too fast
I can't breath anymore when I acknowledge the truth
I see  you going crazy all over again depressed
Trying to do what you must do
Me too, I try, sometimes I really do, 
But it's not long before I fall into that absolute sadness
Of knowing we're not able to be close physically
And that it is all too much for me to even to think of it
I couldn't probably bear it, my body would collapse,
but I still imagine us, holding each other 
and slowly pretend a dance just to be glued 

I love you my darling being,
tears come to my eyes when I think of how much
And how I longed for our embrace

You're the girl with the lost soul that found mine
And you're the boy with the dark soul that is like mine.

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