Monday 12 July 2021

To like me or not?

 And I'm still thinking if I want someone to like me
though I think I wished you had...

Why do I think that someone liking me is bad
because they will have to put up with all the crap?

Yeah, maybe I am indeed too merciful and pure
and think always and put always other people's 
wellbeing first instead of mine or what I want
especially because I don't want anyone 
to suffer on my account
and I know I face hard things that aren't me exactly
but the things that happen and people around me
and also my lack of conditions.

So, in truth, you shouldn't like me
and it's okay
though I'm suffering now.

Pretty much. Like life is ever fair, right? :DDD

(listening and digging so much album of LoFi music from Julian Avila)

P.S.: I've realized, the next day to writing this, that it's bullcrap, because yes I can be liked and loved, even as I am, otherwise I wouldn't have people that really do :-) And I am very thankful for the people that do. :-) So it's okay to be liked just like this goddamm!! :-) :-) :-)

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