Tuesday 3 August 2021

Only Lovers are Left Alive - An essay on Love

After all these years of researching, I think I finally got it. 
Starting with the chemical stimuli of the pleasures center of the brain, that are established since early in life with affection and rewards that one gets from family and surroundings, even associated with objects, animals, images, etc., we amount in ourselves what is to be, in much, the characteristics that will define the person who will seem attractive to us. 

Also with that we have the incredible genes that linger from each generation, plus the immune system that makes you be attracted to someone whose immune system will be compatible with yours to produce stronger offspring. Thus, pheromones induce you into bonding with someone whose ethnicity and origin will be fruitful with yours. 

These are just introductory short notes on a bit of the physiology implied in all the "selection process" that occurs quite unconsciously.

Moving on, there's the whole psychological side. If we were brought up with enough care and attention, or otherwise neglected and harmed. That plays a pivotal part in falling in love with someone in the future, as it will be a result of that mostly. 

What I have concluded in the latest epiphany was that you love someone, because it fulfills a need of yours, and so you develop an emotional dependency towards that person. If someone doesn't need you at all it won't even remember you, because you do not activate any part of the centers of reward/pleasures on its brain and thus no memory was created. The person you fall in love with will necessarily be someone who you (consciously or not) perceive as the one you need to (in order to have good feelings like love itself, joy, pleasure, comfort, security, recognition, fame, or whatever are your primal needs too).

And then, suddenly, of course there is the rarest exception that you might fall in love without finding any trace of all those other listed factors before that lead the whole mankind to fall in love with someone: an inexplicable link, that seems of the soul, before even being born and without wanting or making any sense but this of a more quantum physics issues related.

That might be the only real love in its origin as an atomic cell in the universe.

P.S. Or I might be completely lunatic too, after decades of studying all about it and now having this immeasurable love beyond any logic that has completely baffled me. 
Now from all this one can take its conclusions and say that yes, only lovers are left alive <3

(and thanks so much Yasemin for asking me to write about this topic of Only Lovers are Left Alive)

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