Monday 4 October 2021

Are we part of the answer or are we part of who's doing wrong?

 Artists... guess what? All egotistical fakes and phoneys.  Believe you me, it takes one to know.

It has come to me the fact that artists build their worlds around themselves and make so many youngsters try to mimic them, everyone wants to be famous and a star. All the frustration and lost dreams, all the expectations and heartbreak...

"you're just a clown" wanting to "wear a bigger crown".

Not to talk about all the impact on the environment itself, all the travels by so many means, the crowds and the consumption, the venues, the festivals, not to talk about all that comes with the pack of evasion...

It really broke something in me to get to know all this. I guess that whole idea of artists being the benefactors of mankind went down the hole. 

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